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Fly Fishing Float Trips in North Carolina

Posted by on April 26, 2014

We have been extremely busy so far this spring with guided wade trips and guided fly fishing float trips on the Tuckasegee River.  Both high flows and lower flows have been producing some fantastic fly fishing over the past few months.  During recent low water days we have been doing extremely well with dry flies and dry fly droppers.  Royal and Yellow PMXs have been hot as well as various Elk Hair Caddis, Sulphurs, BWOs and more.  Hot droppers have been Hares Ear, Frenchies, Guides Choice Hares Ear, Pheasant Tails, Rainbow Warriors, Just Add Water, Pink Squirmy Wormies, Eggs and more.

Big Tuckasegee Brown Trout on a float trip with Hookers Fly Shop guide Clint Holcomb.

Now is the time to fish this beautiful river.  The Delayed Harvest will be good all the way through early June.  After the first few weeks in June we shift our focus to Smallmouth Bass.  We float several sections of the Tuckasegee as well as the Little Tennessee.  If fly fishing doesn’t interest you we also offer spin fishing trips as well.

Big Brook Trout with Hookers Fly Shop guide Jason Cole.

We still have days available for both wade and float trips over the next couple of months.  Give us a call or email to inquire about setting up a trip.  828-587-4665

Use the convenient form below to book a trip or inquire about our services and one of our employees will contact you in less than 24 hours to confirm the trip.  In the message line list the type of trip, length, number of anglers and the date of the trip.


Longtime repeat client Chuck G. with a nice Tuckasegee Rainbow.


We love teaching the sport to new fly fishers especially children.

“The mountains are calling and I must go.” – John Muir