Southeast Hatch Chart
Here is a list of hatches and suggested fly patterns to use here in the Southeast. Many of these flies can be purchased at our fly shop or you can pre-order them over the phone or by email. 828-587-4665
Use the convenient form below to inquire about patterns or the current hatch or any other related question you may have. You can also use this form to book a trip or inquire about our services. One of our employees will contact you in less than 24 hours to confirm the trip. In the message line list the type of trip, length, number of anglers and the date of the trip.
Midge #18-24 Afternoons
Tiny Blue Winged Olive #18-22 Late Mornings-Afternoons
Early Black Stonefly #18 All Day
Suggested Patterns: Para Blue Wing Olive #18-22, any small black stonefly #18, San Juan Worms #10-14, Squirmy Wormies #10-12, Rainbow Warriors #14-20, Catamount Nymph #12-16, Girdle Bugs #8-12, Hot Head Marvins #8, Just Add Water Nymph #16-18, Zebra Midges #16-22, Bead Head Brassies #16-20, Little Lucy Midge #18-22, Y2K Orange/Yellow #10-14, Glo Bugs #10-16, Wooly Buggers Cone or Bead Head #6-12 Pre-Order many of these patterns for discounted pricing. 828-587-4665 or email
Midge #18-24 Afternoons
Blue Winged Olive #18-22
Early Black Stonefly #18 All Day
Suggested Patterns: Para Blue Wing Olive #18-22, any small black stonefly #18, San Juan Worms #10-14, Squirmy Wormies #10-12, Rainbow Warriors #14-20, Catamount Nymph #12-16, Girdle Bugs #8-12, Hot Head Marvins #8, Just Add Water Nymph #16-18, Zebra Midges #16-22, Bead Head Brassies #16-20, Little Lucy Midge #18-22, Y2K Orange/Yellow #10-14, Glo Bugs #10-16, Wooly Buggers Cone or Bead Head #6-12 Pre-Order many of these patterns for discounted pricing. 828-587-4665 or email
Midge #16-24 Afternoons
Blue Winged Olive #16-22 Late Mornings-Afternoons
Early Black Stone #18 All Day
Blue Quill #16-18 Mornings-Early Afternoon
Quill Gordon #12-16 Late Morning-Early Afternoon
Black Caddis #18 Late Morning-Late Afternoon
Early Brown Stone #14-16 Late Morning-Mid Afternoon
Red Quill #12-16 Early Afternoon-Early Evening
Hendrickson #12-16 Early Afternoon-Early Evening
Yellow Sally #14-16 Late Morning-Early Evening
Quill Gordon #12-16 Late Morning-Early Afternoon
Early Brown Stone #14-16 Late Morning-Mid Afternoon
Blue Quill #14-16 Late Morning-Late Afternoon
Sulphur #16-18 Late Afternoon-Dusk
March Brown #10-14 Late Morning-Mid Afternoon
Light Cahill #12-16 Late Afternoon-Evening
Cream Caddis #12-16 Mid Afternoon-Evening
Yellow Sally #12-16 Late Morning-Evening
Sulphur #14-18 Late Afternoon-Evening
March Brown #10-14 Late Morning-Mid Afternoon
Large Golden Stone #6-10 All Day
Tan Caddis #12-16 Late Morning-Late Afternoon
Green Drake #8-12 Early Evening-Late Evening
Cream Caddis #12-16 Mid Afternoon-Evening
Light Cahill #12-16 Late Afternoon-Evening
Grey Caddis #12-16 Mid Afternoon-Evening
Olive Caddis #12-16 Late Afternoon-Evening
Brown Stone #10-12 Early-Late Morning
June, July, August
Yellow Sally #14-16 Early Morning and Late Evening
Sulphur #16-18 Early-Late Evening
Golden Stone #6-10 All Day
Tan Caddis #12-16 Late Morning-Late Afternoon
Light Cahill #12-16 Late Afternoon-Evening
Olive Caddis #12-16 Late Afternoon-Evening
Grey Caddis #12-16 Late Afternoon-Evening
Brown Stone #10-12 Early-Mid Morning
Tricos #20-22 Early-Late Morning
Isonychia #10-14 Late Morning-Late Afternoon
Brown Midge #18-20 All Day
Cream Midge #18-20 All Day
Yellow Caddis #12-16 Mid Morning-Mid Afternoon
Terrestrials (Ants #14-18, Beetle #10-14, Hoppers #10-14, Cricket #10-14, Green Weenie #10-12)
September and October
Yellow Caddis #12-16 Mid Afternoon-Evening
Isonychia #10-12 Late Morning-Late Afternoon
Tan Caddis #12-16 Late Morning-Late Afternoon
Dark Midges #18-20 All Day
Cream Midge #18-20 All Day
Brown Midge #18-20 All Day
Dun Caddis #18 Mid Morning-Mid Evening
Tricos #20-22 Early-Late Morning
Terrestrials in Early to Mid Sept.
November and December
Blue Wing Olive #18 Late Morning-Early Evening
Dark Midges #18-20 All Day
Dun Caddis #18 Mid Morning-Mid Evening
Check with us to find out the latest hot flies for Smallmouth Bass fishing in the Tuckasegee River and the Little Tennesseee River.