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Soco Creek July 9th, 2011

Posted by on July 9, 2011

Today I had the pleasure of guiding Michael E. from Texas.  We fished one of my favorite stretches on upper Soco Creek.  The morning started out a little slow while we were nymphing using #8 Brown Marvins with a #16 Superflash Pheasant Tail dropper.  As we worked up the stream we switched over to a dry dropper with a #12 Yellow Caddis with a #16 B.H. Pheasant Tail dropper and started seeing some action.
Mike’s first fish was a small wild rainbow about seven inches.  We continued up stream bringing several more wild rainbows to the net.  We finished the day with a huge strike on the dropper but the big fish was a little too quick for Mike to get a good hook set.  All in all a great day on one of my favorite small streams.