Saturday and Sunday I guided Patti and Walton from Hoschton, Ga. Saturday started off pretty good with 7 or 8 fish in the net and then the wind really picked up. We made it about two hours before we decided to call the half day trip a two hour trip. Luckily Patti and Walton had two days booked with us so we made it out again on Sunday morning. Sunday ended up being fairly slow with just a handful of fish in the net but Patty hooked into a monster 19-20″ rainbow. The fish got away before we could snap a picture. Fish were taken on #10 Yellow/Orange Y2K, #8 Hot Head Marvins and #18 Tungsten Surveyors. What a great couple of days on the water with some fine people!
Tuckasegee River Delayed Harvest Guided Trips 10-29-11 and 10-30-11
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