Now is the time to book a fly fishing float trip on the Tuckasegee River here in Western North Carolina. The fishing on the Tuckasegee Delayed Harvest is definitely at it’s peak right now. Both our wade and floats have been catching some impressive numbers as well as some big trout.

Longtime repeat client Mark L. with a very nice Tuckasegee Rainbow with Hookers Fly Shop guide Jason Cole. Oct. 2014
If you book any trip between December 2014 and February 2015 you will receive a 20% discount on the total trip cost. This deal may only last for a few weeks so book now and enjoy some fantastic savings.

Longtime repeat client Chuck G. enjoying a Tuckasegee Float Trips with Hookers Fly Shop guide Jason Cole. Spring 2014
Yesterday’s float with repeat clients Sonny and Gary from Alabama was extremely productive. Between the two of them they brought a total of 118 fish to the net including some big rainbows and brookies. Hot flies of the day were #10 Hot Head Marvins with #16 Jig Style Tailwater Sow Bugs and #16 Just Add Water Nymphs.

Repeat client Gary with a nice Rainbow on a Tuckasegee Float Trip. November 8th, 2014 with Hookers Fly Shop guide Jason Cole.
Book now by calling 828-587-HOOK or email us at
Remember all trips booked between Dec. 1st and Feb. 28th are 20% off the total trip cost.